If there is one thing that I have learned in the process of completing my master's degree, it is that big things are accomplished incrementally. While I consider the task above to be my life's work, I chip away at it every day by learning how each individual component of my diet works. This blog, therefore, is a more deliberate continuation of my impulse to record my day to day wild food experiments. For me, and perhaps some of my readers, many of the most important details are simple: what did I collect, when did I collect it, and where was it. I will attempt to standardize names to make this log easier to search. With the exception of public figures, human names will include only the first name to provide some level of anonymity, but to still acknowledge my friends and associates; plant and animal names will be capitalized when using the common name, and at least for plants, scientific names will be given to allow easy key word searching of the document. The scope of my experiences will probably be limited to the Pacific Northwest (Northwest Coast), which as Andy McKinnon once told me, is easily delineated by everywhere that a Pacific salmon species swims. Currently my forays are centered in the Victoria, B.C. area.
At this stage in my life, I have the great luxury of diving headlong into foraging. My motivation is to write a wild food book, and my inspiration comes from great wild food books like Thayer’s Nature’s Garden and Forager’s Harvest, Gibbons’s Stalking the Wild Asparagus, and Thoreau’s Wild Fruits. These are books filled with personal experiences with plants. In order to write, I to must experience, and so I have become a full time forager, a modern hunter gatherer, and I hope at times, when inspiration affords me the opportunity to scribe some of the realities of life, a true Naturalist. Pin It