Full days pass quickly, and I have a hard time believing how much foraging there is to do. I feel like a farmer that always has chores to do, except Nature does all the tedious work and leaves me with only the most enjoyable tasks. I scouted out the English Oak (Quercus robur) trees along Superior Street today and found that the acorns are starting to brown, but for the most part, are still hanging on to the tree. I suspect they will start to fall in large quantities soon. The ones that I picked are much larger than those Katrina and I picked from the tree a couple weeks ago.
My acorn meal finished leaching and I drained the water to make some flat bread. I added maple syrup and fried it on low heat for about 10 minutes on each side. The final product was very tasty! As we were cooking the rest of dinner, Shin and Andra came over with a large basket of mushrooms. They had been picking at Durrance Lake and had some nice young Fat Jacks, Milk Caps, a Short Stem Russula and a few Shrimp Russula to show for their labour. We fried the milk caps and Shrimp Russulas, which were tasty. Then we tried the Short Stem Russula, which was rather tasteless, but was improved (like everything in this world) with soy sauce. I made some wild rice and the entire meal—save the onion—was all free, farmed or wild. Shin and Andra helped us shell a bunch of English Oak acorns which I will leach next.
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