Collecting acorns straight from the tree is so much fun we
had to go back for more. Our English Oak
Quercus robur) of choice is overshadowed
by a large Atlas Cedar and forced to sprawl out for light. I climbed up into the tree and had
fun balancing on the low spreading branches while picking acorns. On our bike ride home I spotted some
ornamental hawthorns growing next to the Parliament Building with large red
fruit. A few days ago I tasted the fruit
of the same species planted next to Leigh’s house and was immediately reminded
of haw, a dried fruit snack that I had when I was in China. I looked up haw and discovered that the tree
has large red fruit and leaves that look just like those planted here in
Victoria, so I am going to call it Chinese Hawthorn (
pinnatifida). We collected a bag full
from limbs that were low enough to reach, and took them home to mash, strain
the seeds out of, and freeze so that I can make my own haw when I finish drying
acorns and have free baking sheets again.
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