Ethnobiology Societies:
- The Society of
Economic Botany and the Society of Ethnobiology both publish peer reviewed journals and have
an annual conferences, usually in late April and June,
respectively. These societies focus on
the relationship between humans and the environment in a trans-disciplinary way
that bridges anthropology, botany, ecology, archaeology, and other
disciplines. A great place to meet
researchers, potential graduate supervisors, and foragers that are making a
contribution to the advancement of (re)new(ed) knowledge.
-The International
Society of Ethnobiology is an alliance for biocultural diversity and
oriented towards community action and empowerment. They host conferences every two years at
places all over the world.
Study Opportunties:
-University of Alasaka Fairbanks in Fairbanks AK has several undergraduate level courses in Ethnobotany
-University of Victoria School of
Environmental Studies
in Victoria BC has undergraduate and graduate level courses in
Ethnobotany, Ethnoecology, Traditional Systems of Land and Resource Management,
Urban Ethnoecology.
-Royal Roads University in Victoria BC
offers a continuing studies course ethnobotany.
-University of British Columbia in Vancouver BC offers an Anthropology course on Narrating Landscapes.
-Fairhaven College in Bellingham WA has degree
oriented Liberal Arts courses in
Wild Foods, Ethnobotany, and
-Whatcom Community College in Bellingham
has an Associates of Arts level course in Ethnobotany
State College in Olympia WA teaches degree courses related to Pacific Northwest Ethnobotany.
-Washington State University in Pullman WA has several Biology and Anthropology courses related to Ethnoecology.
-University of Washington in Seattle WA has several courses related to Ethnoecology in both their Anthropology Department and College of the Environment and offers Minors, BA, and graduate certficates.
-Humbolt State University in Arcata CA has a 4th year course in Ethnobotany
-The Open Science Network in Ethnobiology maintains a list of institutions across North America that offer courses in Ethnobiology.
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