Katrina and I biked out the Galloping Goose trail to scout
out Black Hawthorn (
Crataegus douglasii)
bushes and see if the fruit crop was worth harvesting. We passed several on the Goose just north of
McKenzie, but the day was so beautiful we couldn’t stop ourselves from biking all
the way to Langford. On the way back I
noticed all the nice Ocean Spray (
discolor) suckers along the trail, and decided to cut a few to make berry
hooks for pulling down high branches. We
also made some detours to look for acorns, but didn’t find any, however, we
found a Plum tree that still had plums on it. They were very small and really
high up, so we got to put our berry hooks to good use and collected enough to
enjoy fresh for the next few days. They
are sweet and juicy, but unfortunately, lacked the fruit stone trait that makes
Italian Plums so easy to pit and dry. I
took some photos of the Black Hawthorne, but the fruits are too dried and shrivelled
to bother picking.
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