April 2018
Springtime Edibles of Western Washington: April 21 10AM-3PM in Bellingham, WA. Hosted by my busines, Salal, the Cascadian Food Institute. In this hands-on workshop, I will cover harvesting and preparation of seasonally available wild shoots, roots, and greens. Cost is $50/person. Contact abe@cascadianfood.net for details and to register.
Wild Edible Foods of Southern Vancouver Island: April 28-29 at Royal Roads University in Victoria, BC. Join me in this 10 hour course covering spring time wild foods available in both urban and rural environments. The course includes identification skills, field trips, uses, and hands-on preparation of dozens of foods. Register through Continuing Studies
February 2018
Bigleaf Maple syrup making: February 3 12-4PM in Bellingham, WA. Hosted by Salal, the Cascadian Food Institute. Discover the sweet science of making your own syrup from Bigleaf Maple and Paper Birch. In this hands on workshop we will take a tour of my small scale "sugar-bush" operation, review equipment needs, practice tapping trees, and discuss how weather and tree growth relate to sap flow. Participants will get a chance to experience every step of the process from sap to syrup. Cost is $40/person. Contact abe@cascadianfood.net for details and to register.
September 2017
Early Autumn Edibles of Southern Vancouver Island: September 23-24. My two day hands-on harvesting workshop in Victoria BC. See Royal Roads University Continuing Studies website for registration and details.
April 2017
Wild Edible Foods of Southern Vancouver Island: April 29-30 at Royal Roads University in Victoria, BC. Join me in this 10 hour course covering spring time wild foods available in both urban and rural environments. The course includes identification skills, field trips, uses, and hands-on preparation of dozens of foods. Register through Continuing Studies
I will be giving a free public talk titled "Native Plants as Food: Integrating human ecology and natural history in a time of shifting climate" on April 25th in Anacortes. Details can be found on the Transition Fidalgo website.
October 2016
Early Autumn Edibles of Southern Vancouver Island: October 1-2. My two day hands-on harvesting workshop in Victoria BC. See Royal Roads University Continuing Studies website for registration and details.
September 2016
Wild Edibles and Coast Salish Ethnobotany: September 17-18. I lead a two hour field trip on Saturday and Sunday during the Whatcom Skillshaire Faire. Free after registration for the Faire.
May 2016
Native fiber plants: May 21st from 10AM-4PM in Bellingham, WA. Hosted by Salal, the Cascadian Food Institute. Roots, shoots, twigs, barks, and seed fluff all produce valuable fibers for cordage, clothing, and mats. In this workshop, I will harvest fiber materials that are available in the spring and cover basic cordage and weaving techniques. Cost is $60/person. Contact abe@cascadianfood.net for details and to register.
April 2016
Springtime Edibles of Western Washington: April 30 10AM-3PM in Bellingham, WA. Hosted by Salal, the Cascadian Food Institute. In this hands-on workshop, I will cover harvesting and preparation of seasonally available wild shoots, roots, and greens. Cost is $50/person. Contact abe@cascadianfood.net for details and to register.
Wild Edible Foods of Southern Vancouver Island: April 23-24 at Royal Roads University in Victoria, BC. Join me in this 10 hour course covering spring time wild foods available in both urban and rural environments. The course includes identification skills, field trips, uses, and hands-on preparation of dozens of foods. Register through Continuing Studies
March 2016
Society of Ethnobiology Conference: March 16-19 in Tucson, Arizona. This is a great place to meet scholars working with Indigenous communities and learn about their research.
Revitalizing Food Culture from the Cascades to the Salish Sea: Hosted at the Burke Museum, in Seattle WA, Tuesdays at 7pm from March 29th to April 19th. Register here. I will be leading a session on April 5th.
February 2016
Bigleaf Maple Syrup making workshop: February 13th from 1-4PM in Bellingham, WA. Hosted by Salal, the Cascadian Food Institute. We will take a tour of my small scale, sugar-bush operation, review equipment needs, practice tapping trees, and discuss tree physiology as it relates to sap flow. Participants will get to experience every step of process from tree to syrup. Cost is $40/person. Contact abe@cascadianfood.net for details and to register.
Wild Foods and Ethnobotany of the Salish Sea Region--a walking tour: February 6 in Clinton WA on Whidbey Island. Hosted by the Sound Water's Symposium.
May 2015
Society of Ethnobiology Conference: May 6-9 in Santa Barbara CA. This is a great place to meet scholars working with Indigenous communities and learn about their research. This year's theme is "The many faces of ethnobiology."
Sto:lo, People of the River Conference: May 1-3 in Chilliwack BC. Hosted by the Stó:lō Research and Resource Management Centre, this conference brings together ethnohistorians, archaeologists, and ethnobotanists to share research pertinent to the Sto:lo of the lower Fraser River valley in British Columbia.
April 2015
Wild Edible Foods of Southern Vancouver Island: April 25-26 at Royal Roads University in Victoria, BC. Join me in this 10 hour course covering spring time wild foods available in both urban and rural environments. The course includes identification skills, field trips, uses, and hands-on preparation of dozens of foods. Register through Continuing Studies
Wild Food Foraging:
Spring Greens. Saturday, April 18,
10:30am-3:30pm, Bellingham WA.
Join me for a hand to mouth
course exploring the most nutritious, local, sustainable, and frugal forms of
sustenance the world has to offer. We’ll meet at the Bellingham Food Co-op Connection Building and
then head out to the Chuckanut Community Forest, nibbling our way through
neighborhood forests, fens, and shorelines exploring what is edible and
learning the local ethnobotany. The class then returns to the kitchen to
transform raw ingredients into radical cuisine. Bring gloves, plastic
bags, rubber boots, notebook, sack lunch, and water. Be prepared to walk about
1 mile on uneven terrain, get your hands wet and dirty—and to have fun!
Co-op • register at Co-op • $39Foraging for Wild Edible Foods of Spring: Thursday April 9 (2 hrs) and Saturday April 11th (5 hours), Bellingham WA. This is my second course offered through the Academy of Lifelong Learning at WWU. Discover wild edible foods in both urban and rural environments around Bellingham. Participants will harvest, prepare and discuss the seasonal delicacies that nature provides. Slide presentations and special topics related to foraging safely, sustainably and legally will augment a program rich in knowing where to find these foods. A Saturday field trip will allow participants to forage on their own. The walk will be over uneven ground and is easy-to-moderate difficulty. Participants will then learn how to prepare the delicacies.
Ethnobotany of the Northwest Coast: April 7-June 18th. I teach this 3 credit course through the Anthropology Department at Whatcom Community College in Bellingham during the spring term. We meet Tuesday's and Thursday's from 8:00-9:30AM. The course is a mix of lectures, field trips, and hands-on labs. This article has some quotes from students who took my class in 2013. Register at WCC.
September 2014
Early Autumn Edibles of Southern Vancouver Island: September 27-28. My two day hands-on harvesting workshop in Victoria BC. See Royal Roads University Continuing Studies website for registration and details.
Alpine Ethnobotany and Foraging: September 17th and 20th. Organized by the WWU Academy of Lifelong Learning, we will spend two hours in the classroom learning about Salish use and management of alpine areas and then 6 hours in the mountains harvesting and eating roots, greens, and berries. Wednesday September 17th 2:30-4:30PM and Saturday September 20th 9:00AM-3:00PM
August 2014
Wild Food & Ethnobotany Walk, Wild Rice Processing, and Acorn Processing Workshops: August 24 at Hovander County Park in Ferndale, WA. I will lead a hike around noon and be processing rice and acorns all day long at the Whatcom Skill Share. This event is organized by Transition Whatcom.
April 2014
Wild Edible Foods of Southern Vancouver Island: April 26-27 at Royal Roads University in Victoria, BC. Join me in this 10 hour course covering spring time wild foods available in both urban and rural environments. Course includes identification skills, field trips, uses, and hands-on preparation of dozens of foods. Register through Continuing Studies.
Wild Foods of Chuckanut Bay: April 21, 6pm to dusk. Learning plants is fun when you can eat them too! The picturesque forests along the beaches of Chuckanut Bay are rich with wild edibles. Trip leaders Abe Lloyd and Katrina Poppe will share identification tips, traditional Native American plant uses, and their favorite recipes for enjoying nature's bounty. Rubber boots recommended. This event is hosted by the Koma Kulshan Chapter of the Washington Native Plant Society and is free of charge. Meet at the end of Fairhaven Avenue in Chuckanut Village (just south of Bellingham).
Wild Foods Interview: April 12th @ 12:30 on CFAX radio. I was interviewed as part of a sustainable food program by Bruce William for his CFAX radio show called Cafe Victoria. Listen to it live if you live near Victoria or stream it online.
October 2013
Early Autumn Edibles of Southern Vancouver Island: October 4th and 5th. My two day hands-on harvesting workshop in Victoria BC. See Royal Roads University Continuing Studies website for registration and details.
September 2013
6th Annual Traditional Foods Conference: September 27th and 28th. Hosted by the Vancouver Island and Coastal Communities Indigenous Foods Network in Cowichan Territory on Vancouver Island. See the VICCIFN website for registration and details.
2nd Annual Our Food is our Medicine Conference: September 11th to 13th. Hosted by Northwest Indian College at Bastyr University in Seattle. See the NWIC website for registration and details.
July 2013
Shaw Island Professional Herbal Retreat: July 19-21. My friend Elise Krohn is leading this workshop with Ryan Drum and Glen Nigel. See National College of Natural Medicine for more information.
June 2013
Wild Foods of Chuckanut Bay: June 13th, 6:00PM to Dusk at Chuckanut Bay (Mud Bay) near Bellingham WA. Sponsored by the Koma Kulshan Chapter of the Washington Native Plant Society. Katrina and I will be leading a free foraging hike through a variety of habitats including shoreline, salt marsh, and rocky coastal bluffs.
Sto:lo, People of the River Conference: May 31-June 2 2013 in Chilliwack BC. Hosted by the Stó:lō Research and Resource Management Centre, this conference brings together ethnohistorians, archaeologists, and ethnobotanists to share research pertinent to the Sto:lo of the lower Fraser River valley in British Columbia. My friend Allan Richardson and I will be presenting a paper on the ethnobotanical significance of the Northwest Boundary Survey, which mapped the boarder between Washington and BC from 1857-1859.
Bastyr University Herb and Food Fair: June 1, 2013 in Seattle WA. This year's theme is "Everything old is new again." I will be leading a wild food and ethnobotany walk in the morning. Fair details can be found here.
May 2013
Traditional Food Plants of Cascadia: May 15 2013 at 7 pm in the ReSources Building in Bellingham WA. Ethnobotanist and author Heidi Bohan will speak about the important food plants that were part of the daily menu that predated the introduction of potatoes and processed foods. She will also share harvest and preparation techniques for a few of the most important regional food plants. Copies of her book "The People of Cascadia" will be available for purchase after her talk.
Society of Ethnobiology Conference: May 15-18 2013 in Denton Texas. This year's theme is Climate Change and Ethnobiology.I can't make it this year due to my teaching schedule, but the conferences are always fun and interesting.
Indigenous Foods and Ecological Knowledge Symposium May 1-2 2013 in Seattle WA. Details here.
April 2013
Wild Edible Foods of Southern Vancouver Island: April 27-28 at Royal Roads University in Victoria, BC. Join me in this 10 hour course covering spring time wild foods available in both urban and rural environments. Course includes identification skills, field trips, uses, and hands-on preparation of dozens of foods. Register through Continuing Studies.
Northwest Coast Ethnobotany (Anthropology 150): Tuesdays and Thursday 8:00-9:30 April-June at Whatcom Community College. I will be instructing this college level course that covers the indigenous use of plants for food, medicine, and materials, as well as basic plant identification skills and indigenous systems of resource management. View the WCC Course Schedule for registration information.
March 2013
7 weeks with Tibetans: A study of climate change and ethnobotany in the Himalayas. I will be sharing photographs and stories from my 2009 field trip to the Himalayas at the Koma Kulshan Chapter of the Washington Native Plant Society chapter meeting March 20, 2013 from 7:00-9:00 pm at the ReSources building in Bellingham, WA. While volunteering with the Missouri Botanical Garden, I helped document ethnobotanical significant plants and establish long term vegetation monitoring plots to measure the affects of climate change on alpine flora in both NW Yunnan, China, and Langtang National Park, Nepal.
February 2013
Plants of the Siskiyou Montains: Wednesday, February 20,2013 at the Sustainable Living Center education room at the ReStore (2309 Meridian Street, Bellingham WA)
Several members of the Koma Kulshan chapter attended the July 2012 Native Plant Society of Oregon annual meeting (aka study weekend) in the Siskiyou Mountains of southwestern Oregon/Northwest California. They will discuss the serpentine geology of the area, the effects of the 500,000 acre Biscuit Fire, and share photos of the many serpentine endemics of the region.
January 2013
Intro to Ethnobotany, Using Wild Foods: Tuesday January 28th, 6:00-9:00 at the Bellingham Food Co-op, Cordata Branch. Abe Lloyd will share an ethnobotanical perspective to permaculture and review a number of local wild foods. Part of a Permaculture Workshop series organized by Homestead Habitats.