Softstem Bulrush (Schoenoplectus tabernaemontani) |
As my love for plants has grown, I have been increasingly
drawn to challenging groups. While in college in Wisconsin, I became interested
in the Cyperaceae—the family containing sedges and bulrushes—and spent three
years experimentally restoring an old field to a sedge meadow for my senior
capstone project. Naturally, native seeds were needed for this project, so I
spent one day a week throughout the summer collecting sedge and bulrush seeds,
efforts that earned me the title “Abe sedge seed.”
Despite this interest, I had never heard of any edible
parts of bulrushes until a few years ago, when Sam Thayer excitedly told me
about his first taste of River Bulrush (Bolboschoenus fluviatilis). He proclaimed
the tuberous roots to be sweet and delicious raw. With piqued curiosity, I set
out to better understand what is going on beneath our various bulrushes.
The species

As far as I know, the edible bulrushes are limited to
three genera, Schoenoplectus, Bolboschoenus, and Cyperus. The
former two have been split from the otherwise inedible genus Scirpus by
most modern botanists, a treatment which suits me because their botanical
differences have real world meaning. In this article, I describe the more
common members of Schoenoplectus, Bolboschoenus, and Cyperus.
Softstem Bulrush and Hardstem Bulrush (Schoenoplectus
tabernaemontani and S. acutus).
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Softstem (L) and Hardstem (R) sections |

Hardstem Bulrush in fresh marsh |
A third species, California Bulrush (S. californicus) grows in Oregon and California and looks similar to the others but has a slightly three-sided stem that can reach 12’ tall! Very few other plants in North America can grow as tall in a single growing season.
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California Bulrush |
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Hardstem & Softstem Bulrushes |
Maritime Bulrush, River Bulrush, and Sturdy
Bulrush (Bolboschoenus maritimus, B. fluviatilis, and B.
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Maritime Bulrush (left) and River Bulrush (right) |
These three herbaceous perennials die back to thin
rhizomes that produce hard nut-like over-wintering corms. They have leafy stems
that are strongly triangular in cross section on the upper half but may have
slightly rounded corners near the base. All three have terminal spikes of
flowers and seeds, though leaf-like bracts often extend around and above their
inflorescences. Distinguishing the three species is best done by examining
their height, and characteristics of the spikes and seeds (achenes). Maritime
Bulrush is usually 1-4’ tall with a compact clump of sessile spikes that are
less than 1” long (although a few may be on short stalk) and 2-sided seeds.
River Bulrush is a larger species at 3-5’ tall and has more loosely packed
spikes that are greater than 1” long, and three-sided seeds that sink in water
and have an elliptical profile. Sturdy Bulrush is 1.4-5’ tall with a loose
clump of fat, cylindrical spikes that average about 1” long, and three-sided
seeds with rounded tops that float on water.
Maritime Bulrush in saltmarsh |
River Bulrush in estuary |
Maritime Bulrush is very common in salt marshes at the low end of the high marsh, as well as sloughs and ditches near the ocean and along large river systems, from Vancouver Island southward with a disjunct population near Anchorage. River Bulrush is only found sporadically in the fresher and higher parts of estuarine marshes. I know it only from the mouths of the Stillaguamish and Samish Rivers, but herbarium records show it in a few other locations throughout our region. Sturdy Bulrush is only found in brackish marshes along the California coast, and in the Central Valley.
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Maritime Bulrush |
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Sturdy Bulrush |
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River Bulrush |
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Chufa |
Chufa and Purple Nutsedge (Cyperus
esculentus and C. rutundus) die back to
thin rhizomes that produce nut-like over-wintering tubers. They both have leafy
stems that are strongly triangular in cross section, and sweet-scented foliage.
Flowers are arranged neatly in two ranks forming flattened spikelets. These spikelets
form open spikes on long stalks that look a little like chimney sweeps or bottle
brushes. They are best differentiated from each other by the color of their
flower bracts: yellowish in Chufa and purplish in Purple Nutsedge. Chufa
is intolerant of salt water and evidently avoids the maritime climate near
the ocean. In the Pacific Northwest, it appears to be limited to the large
river drainages such as the Fraser, Nisqually, Columbia, Snake, Willamette, and
Sacramento rivers with some records from small rivers and drainage ditches,
especially outside of our area in Southern California. Purple Nutsedge is found
in disturbed soils along agricultural fields and is evidently naturalized in
California (Jepson
Chufa at the Sacremento NWR |
Harvest and Preparation
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Edible rhizome of Softstem Bulrush |
Peeled rhizome of Sofstem Bulrush |
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Edible rhizome core of Hardstem Bulrush |
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Edible corm and young stem of Maritime Bulrush |
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Hard corms of River Bulrush |
I have never eaten Chufa, so all I can do is pass
on the anecdote that I hear they have tasty tubers.
Historical accounts concerning bulrush edibility are frustratingly
difficult to attribute to a distinct species. I suspect this ambiguity is either
the result of poor botanical knowledge on the part of ethnographers, leading
them to unknowingly lump multiple species into a single account, or Indigenous
groups using the same name for multiple species with very similar qualities. Many
of the early accounts I review below use the common name tule. Tule usually
refers to the tall species of bulrush (Softstem, Hardstem, and California
Bulrushes), although confusingly, it is sometimes attributed to cattail (Typha
spp.), which is not in the same plant family as the bulrushes. The word tule
evidently comes from the Aztec word tullin or tollin for
aquatic bulrushes- a word that was first adopted by the Spanish in Mexico and
later by English speaking Americans (Small 2013). If using a twice borrowed
common name for multiple species in two different plant families wasn’t befuddling
enough, horsetails or “scouring rushes” (Equisetum spp.) are also
confused in the ethnographic record under the common name “rush” (see Swan 1857
pg 88 and Eells 1885, 1985) and/or called by the same Indigenous name in some
cultures (see Turner et al. 1990 pg 116). The similarities are numerous: bulrushes,
cattails, and horsetail all grow in wetlands, have spongy, linear leaves that
can be used in weaving, and several have edible roots.
On the topic of terminology, also note that I use the
word “root” throughout this account to be consistent with the authors I quote. Botanists
call an underground horizontal stem a “rhizome,” an underground storage organ a
“tuber,” and an enlarged stem base a “corm.” Given these caveats, I present the
following review of literature concerning edible bulrushes in the Pacific
While traveling in the Columbia River watershed in Oregon
and Washington in the early 1820s, the pioneering botanist David Douglas (1914)
observed that the tender white shoots of a 4-10’ tall species of bulrush [making
it either Softstem or Hardstem Bulrush] were eaten and “considered a luxury.”
The sprouts of an undetermined species are also traditionally eaten by the
Puyallup and Nisqually in Washington (Smith 1930).
Other early records come from Edward Curtis, the famous
ethnographic photographer and author of the 20 volume series The North American
Indian. Curtis had some knowledge of the various bulrushes and frequently
documented the use of both tule and cattail, making it possible to be
sure that he was differentiating the species. As if he were aware of the
potential for confusion, he occasionally includes scientific names for cattail,
Hardstem Bulrush, and Sturdy Bulrush. In California, he observed the tender,
white, central shoot of Hardstem Bulrush being eaten fresh by the Klamath
(1924, 13: 170, 273; although on pg 238, he apparently confuses this with
Sturdy Bulrush), the Tolowa, Tutuni (1924 13: 99, 228, 247), and Lake Pomo
(1924 14: 62). He describes tule as “a fairly important food” to the
valley Maidu (1924 14: 107). He also recorded indigenous terms for
edible “tule shoots” among the eastern and central Pomo (1924, 14: 188,
217), and “tule pith” among the Wappo (Curtis 1924, 14: 210) and Wiyot
(1924 13: 267). The Northern Pomo eat the raw young shoots of Sturdy
Bulrush (Welch 2013). In Utah, the young shoots of Hardstem Bulrush are also
traditionally eaten by the Gosiute of Utah (Chamberlain 1911).
Hardstem Bulrush "root" |
Edible core of Hardstem Bulrush |
Some useful details come from a 10 year-old who made news
for her presentation of Shasta Indigenous Foods at the California State
Fair. She was quoted saying “The [Native Americans] pull tule roots
early in the spring while they are young and tender. They also dry them for
winter use (Hollenbeak
Another participant observer account comes from Thomas
Jefferson Mayfield who was adopted by the Choinumni band
of the Yokuts and lived with them for a decade in the 1850s. He provides
exceptional detail about their use of tule. “They ate great quantities of
young tule roots, which were soft and sweet. The lake Indians made an
almost pure starch from tule…. [The roots were placed] into a large
cooking basket and were covered with hot water. The mixture was stirred with
the looped stirring stick for an hour or so. Then the rush roots were raked out
and were thrown away. In an hour or two, the starch had settled to the bottom of
the basket. The water was then poured off. They obtained in this way a cake of
starch two inches in thickness (Mayfield 1993 pg 66-67).
The seeds of Hardstem Bulrush are sometimes used as food by
the Klamath (Coville 1897) and the pollen may have been used by the Nlaka’pmux
(Steedman 1930; see also Turner et al. 1990) and elsewhere in North America
(Harvard 1895).
Throughout many accounts, the roots and young shoots of tule
are described as being sweet raw. In fact, the leaves are capable of
exuding sugar! In their book The Natural World of California Indians Heizer
and Elsasser (1980) describe a sugar that is produced by bulrushes in arid
climates. They elaborate that “this ‘sugar’ is the sweet excreta of aphids,
which crystallizes and collects on the leaves of certain plants, especially
Common Reed (Phragmites communis) and [Softstem Bulrush]. The plants
were cut off at the base of the stem, placed on a flat tule mat, and beaten
with sticks to dislodge the crystalline sugar. Winnowing by tossing the sugar
and leaf bits on a flat basketry tray yielded the pure sugar, which was then
dampened slightly and molded into balls. Such sugar, eaten as a treat or
dessert, was a welcome change from the rather pallid staple, acorn mush.” General
J. Bidwell similarly describes a “honey”
that is gathered from tule by the Native Americans in Nevada (Harvard
1895). The Mono and Paviotso obtained a “candy-like substance”
from the dry leaves of Common Reed (Curtis 1926 15: 72).
The roots of Sturdy Bulrush were used by the Klamath
(Curtis 1924 13: 170) and the roots of an unidentified bulrush were eaten raw
or ground into a flour and cooked by the Costanoan (Bocek 1984).
Interestingly, I could find no accounts that were definitively describing River
or Maritime Bulrushes, despite the edibility of both species.
Accounts of Chufa are more precisely labelled by
species. Victor Harvard (1895) in his Food Plants of North American Indians describes
the small edible tubers of two species of Cyperus, the Chufa (C.
esculentus L.) and the Nut-grass (C. rotundus L.) to be “sweet and
palatable” and favored by Native Americans, but does not specify which groups.
In California, both species are eaten raw or ground into a meal and cooked by
the Paiute (Murphey 1990, Fowler 1989). The tubers of Chufa are also
eaten by the Costanoan (Bocek 1984) Kashaya, and Pomo. The
latter two traditionally eat them raw, baked, or boiled and describe their flavor
as “crisp” and “nutty” (Goodrich et al. 1980). The tubers of other Cyperus
species are traditionally eaten in the Desert Southwest and Southern California
by the Acoma, Apache, Kamia, Keres, Laguna, and Pima (Moerman).
Brown, Robert 1868.
On the Vegetable Products Used by the Northwestern American Indians as Food and
Bocek, Barbara 1984.
Ethnobotany of the Costanoan Indians. Based on the Collections by John P.
Chamberlain, Ralph 1911.
Ethnobotany of the Gosiute Indians of Utah.
Coville, Frederick 1897.
Notes on the Plants Used by the Klamath Indians of Oregon.
Curtis, Edward 1913.
The North American Indian Volume 9: The Salishan
tribes of the coast. The Chimakum and Quilliute .The Willapa.
Curtis, Edward 1924.
The North American Indian. Volume 13: The Hupa.
The Yurok. The Karok. The Wiyot. Tolowa and Tutuni. The Shasta. The Achomawi.
The Klamath.
Curtis, Edward 1924.
The North American Indian. Volume 14: The Kato.
The Wailaki. The Yuki. The Pomo. The Wintun. The Maidu. The Miwok. The Yokuts.
Curtis Edward 1926.
The North American Indian. Volume 15: Southern
California Shoshoneans. The Diegeuenos. Plateau Shoshoneans. The Washo.
Douglas, David 1914.
Journal Kept by David Douglas during his travels in North America.
Eells, Myron 1885.
The Twana, Chemakum, and Klallam Indians of Washington Territory.
Eells, Myron 1985.
Indians of the Puget Sound, The Notebooks of Myron Eells.
Goodrich, Jenni,
Claudia Lawson, Vana Parrish Lawson 1980. Kashaya Pomo Plants.
Fowler 1990. Fowler,
Catherine S., 1989, Willards Z. Park's Ethnographic Notes on the Northern Paiute of Western Nevada 1933-1940
Harvard, V. 1895.
Food Plants of the North American Indians.
Hitchcock, C. Leo
and Arthur Cronquist 2018. Flora of the Pacific Northwest, an Illustrated
Manual. 2nd Edition. University of Washington Press, Seattle WA.
Mayfield, Thomas
Jefferson 1993. Indian Summer: Traditional Life among the Choinumne Indians of
California’s San Joaquin Valley.
Murphey, Edith
Van Allen 1990. Indian Uses of Native Plants.
Russell, Priscilla
N. 2012. Tanaina Plantlore Dena’ina K’et’una. An Ethnobotany of the Dena’ina
Indians of Southcentral Alaska. Alaska Geographic Association, Achorage AK.
Small, Ernest
2013. North American Cornocopia: Top 100 Indigenous Food Plants.
Smith, Marian
1930. The Puyallop-Nisqually
Steedman 1930.
Ethnobotany of the Thompson Indians of British Columbia.
Swan, James 1857.
The Northwest Coast or, Three Years’ Residence in Washington Territory.
Timbrook, Jan
2007. Chumash Ethnobotany.
Turner, Nancy J.
Laurence C. Thompson, M. Terry Thompson, and Annie Z. York 1990. Thompson Ethnobotany, Knowledge and Usage of
Plants by the Thompson Indians of British Columbia. Memoir No. 3, Royal British
Columbia Museum, Victoria BC
Welch, James
2013. Sprouting Valley: Historical Ethnobotany of the Northern Pomo from Potter
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