Many of our fall fruits have a persistent
spirit, defying freezing temperatures and damp weather until they are gobbled
up or knocked off the bush. Champion among them is our near immortal Evergreen
Huckleberry (Vaccinium ovatum)
boasting a 4 month harvest season. I have eaten my first Evergreen Huckleberry
as early as the first week of September and my last as late as the fourth week
of December. However, the best picking is typically between mid-October and mid-November. I attribute the longevity of Evergreen Huckleberries to their
protective waxy bloom and high concentration of antioxidants. Bloom—technically
called epicuticular wax—is produced by the stomata (plant pores) on the skin of the fruit
to help protect the berry from cell-damaging ultraviolet radiation, drying
out, and most significantly, mold. Bloom works in the same way that car wax protects
the paint and metal from sunlight and rust. The flesh of the fruit also contains a
high concentration of anthocyanin, Vitamin C, and other anti-oxidants that
guards against cell decay in the fruit (and in our cells when we eat the
An absolutely loaded Evergreen Huckleberry branch! |
The blue variety of Evergreen Huckleberry |
Evergreen Huckleberries grow along almost
the entire coastal zone from California to British Columbia. Oddly, wild
specimens seem to be absent from Whatcom County. Since returning to Bellingham
from Vancouver Island, I have kept a sharp eye out for patches close to home,
but the nearest I have seen them was on Bainbridge Island. The situation was
getting dire as the weather cooled and my craving for this cold weather fruit
intensified. Finally, our luck broke; Katrina spotted a large patch not far
from our house. Dozens of shrubs had been planted as part of a large
institutional landscaping project and thanks to the built-in
irrigation system, the bushes were fruiting prolifically.
Size variation (in cm) of ripe Evergreen Huckleberries |
Black (left) and blue (right) varieties of Evergreen Huckleberries |
Since Katrina’s discovery, I have
harvested Evergreen Huckleberries on two occasions and both times averaged about
1 gallon per hour. Berry size ranged considerably from about 0.25 inches all the
way up to 0.38 inches. Both blue and black varieties were present, and as I have
noticed in the past, the blue variety tended to produce larger berries. I eat
about ¼ cup of Evergreen Huckleberries a day in smoothies. At that rate, I’ll
need a little over 5.5 gallons of fruit for the year. With 2.5 gallons safely in
the freezer, I should have an easy time collecting the balance before the
season ends.
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