I was invited to the conference to lead
ethnobotanical walks (as a second rate substitute for Nancy Turner) and shared
what I could of a valley that was brimming with food plants. On the drier west
facing slopes we plucked a few remaining Saskatoons (Amelanchier alnifolia) that were dried on the bush, dug under the
withered leaves of Balsamroot (Balsamorhiza
sagittata) to expose its resin scented anchor, and plucked the plump hips
of Rose (Rosa spp.). A seep on the east facing slope gave rise to a lone Blue
Elderberry (Sambucus cerulea) and
abundantly fruiting Chokecherries (Prunus
virginiana). Finally, the Ponderosa Pine and Quaking Aspen (Populus tremuloides) in the valley
bottom gave me a chance to talk about the many forms of edible cambium in the
Pacific Northwest. From what I hear, the area is brimming with Bitterroots (Lewisia rediviva), Biscuitroots
(Lomatium spp.), Mountain Potatoes (Claytonia lanceolata),
and Yellow Bells (Fritillaria pudica)
in the spring, but all lay dormant under the cool soil to avoid the scorching
late summer heat.
When I wasn’t babbling about botanicals,
I did my best to take advantage of the wonderful workshops hosted by the other
instructors. I brought a Yew (Taxus
brevifolia) wood bow that I have been working on for a while and eagerly
received instruction on how to complete it from bow making master Jose.
Benjamin taught me how to bark tan fish skin. I occasionally looked over
the shoulder of Jill as he scraped the membrane off of deer hides.
There were far too many activities to
take in over the course of a single week. Workshops included several types of
basket weaving, felting, back-strap loom weaving, flint knapping, animal
processing, friction fire making, shelter making, gourd bowl making, and
leather working, as well as pottery, archery, and many more.
Lynx shared a short movie about her
Stone Age Project in which she takes a small group of people out into the
wilderness for three weeks without metal, plastic, or anything else that they
haven’t made or harvested themselves from the wild. I have found that many folks that teach primitive skills
lack much knowledge of edibles, but Lynx really impressed me with her
knowledge and regular use of wild plant foods. I similarly found kindred
spirits in the organizers, Cameron and Eric. With luck I will get to join them
all next year to harvest spring roots and the mid-summer Saskatoons.
For me, the high points of the Saskatoon
Circle came every evening when the light faded and cool temperatures brought
us, with outstretched palms to the central campfire. Personalities ranged from
the deeply rooted to the radically nomadic, but we all embraced impassioned
conversation on sustainable living and outdoor adventure.
Though I was called away early (to
another conference of a similar ilk) I look forward to next year’s gathering
and staying in touch with my new circle of Saskatoon friends.
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