-James Swan 1857, 19th Century ethnographer and naturalist
The Onion-like bulbs of Common Camas |
Over the last 5 years I have cooked both
Giant Camas (Camassia leichtlinii)
and Common Camas (C. quamash) about 8
times. My first attempts involved either
baking or pressure cooking the bulbs for a mere 4-6 hours and the results were
all similarly tasteless. Further experiments yielded much better results and I am sharing my
most successful method in the hopes that others can fully realize the potential
of this wonderfully sweet and nutritious indigenous root vegetable.
Digging stick (or garden trowel),
collection bag, expandable steamer, slow cooker, food dehydrator (optional)
a digging stick or garden trowel, unearth bulbs that are bigger than the last
digit of your thumb and replant all the rest. I used to harvest Camas
with a shovel but found that I was always cutting them in half. Now I
harvest with a wooden digging stick and rarely damage bulbs. As you dig, weed out the grass, Scotch Broom,
and Snowberry from your Camas garden. Mid-June is an excellent time to
harvest for several reasons: First, the Death Camas* (Toxicoscordion venenosum syn. Zygadenus venenosus) is still flowering so it can easily be avoided.
Second, the ground is still soft and easy to dig up. Camas ground can get VERY hard when it dries
out later in the summer. Third, the Camas is starting to go to seed so you
can sprinkle some seeds over the bare soil that you create by digging for the bulbs
and weeding out the grasses. If the seeds aren't ripe (black) yet, then return
when they are to sprinkle seeds over the bare soil. In addition to replanting small bulbs, it is a good practice to leave a few of the largest flowering Camas plants alone every few
feet so that their seeds can mature and scatter into the surrounding
soil. Finally, I have a suspicion that as the Camas goes into dormancy it locks
its sugars away into more complex carbohydrates which takes a lot longer to
Virtually identical bulbs of Camas (left 2) and Death Camas (right) |
very sure of your identification before eating Camas. The bulbs of Death
Camas are deadly poisonous and look very similar to the edible varieties
(Camassia quamash and Camassia leichtlinii). Death Camas has white
flowers, tighter flower clusters, and flowers that mature later in the Season (usually June). If you have
any Death Camas in the plot you are harvesting from, I recommend only eating
bulbs that are attached to a flowering stalk that you can positively ID as a
Camassia species.
Clean the bulbs:
Peel off the dirty outer skin and break
off the basal root crown. Leave the
inner layers of skin so that the bulbs will remain intact as they cook. Rinse the dirt from the bulbs
Place an expandable vegetable steamer
inside of a slow cooker and fill the slow cooker with water to just below the
level of the steamer. Put the Camas
bulbs in the steamer and cover the slow cooker.
Set the slow cooker at a moderate to high temperature and steam the
bulbs for 36 hours (yes, you read that right).
Check the water level every 2-4 hours and refill as necessary. The bulbs will begin to brown and smell like molasses
after 12-24 hours. Cook until they are a
very dark brown.
![]() |
24 hour time-lapse of Camas bulbs steamed at 212 degrees F. |
Camas has a similar, but more complex
carbohydrate structure than Onions.
Prolonged cooking of Camas breaks long (indigestible) inulins down into
simple (sweet) fructans in exactly the same way that caramelizing Onions
sweetens them. If your cooked Camas is not
brown, it will not be sweet and will probably give you indigestion.
Dehydrate overnight:
Squish the bulbs flat with the bottom of
a water glass and place them in a food dehydrator or oven on very low heat until they are dried. Then seal them in a plastic bag and place
them in the freezer until you are ready to eat them.
A meal that takes 2 days to prepare will
challenge the patience of even a Slow Foodist.
For that reason, an entire year’s worth of Camas was traditionally cooked
and dried so that it could quickly be rehydrated and eaten. Most of us won’t harvest the several bushels of
Camas bulbs that it would take to make a large pit-cook worthwhile. My slow cooker method is intended to provide
a safe, energy efficient and relatively convenient alternative for smaller quantities of Camas