Kelso Dunes |
The next day we entered the eerily empty
Mohave National Preserve and climbed up the “singing sand dunes.” The Kelso Dunes are made up of ultrafine sand
that produces a low humming noise when they move. We were pretty sure we heard them sing once. The dunes are so steep and the sand so loose
in places that it is almost impossible to climb straight up them.
A small hole in the wall |
The central part of the Preserve is mountainous
and we drove a very rough road around to the Hole in the Wall campground. We explored the narrow canyon and deemed it
free of bandits (they live in Wyoming with the Sundance Kid) and enjoyed a
little botanizing as the desert vegetation was starting to become familiar.
In the afternoon we drove east out of
California and along parts of the historic Route 66. When we crossed into Arizona we started
climbing steadily out of the desert and into high pine country. We were trying to get to the Grand Canyon in
time to see the sunset but only arrived on the snowy South Rim for the final
cool hues of twilight.
Camping that night in the Kaibab National
Forest was the coldest of the trip. Even
though we set up the tent to provide a little extra insulation, I had to get up
and light a fire in the pre-dawn hours to warm up. At least firewood was easier to come by than
in the desert.
Colorado Pinyon silhouette |
Gambel Oak leaf (Quercus gambelii) |
Colorado Pinyon (Pinus edulis) needles in bunches of two |
We found the ruins fascinating and learned
that the nearby Wupatki National Monument managed several more ruins, so we
spent the rest of the afternoon exploring them.
Nobody knows for certain why the settlements were abandoned, but I couldn’t
help but wonder if they ran out of firewood.